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WMTC • Vancleve • 99.9 FM | WBFC • Stanton • 1470 AM
I Can See The Hand Of God Spring Sharathon
Travel with me to the scene. Many are gathered together waiting, praying. They are trusting a promise, a hope.
It’s a day filled with anticipation and likely apprehension. It’s been their focus for many days. It’s an unlikely group – one which the world would disregard as insignificant and unimportant. Today will change the lives of every single individual gathered there. Beyond that, if they are successful, today will change history and the world forever. Pentecost: God’s Spirit indwelling obedient men and women empowering them to do the humanly impossible. And the world has never been the same. They saw the hand of God move in their lives, and they rocked the world with the message of the Gospel.
God’s Spirit indwelling obedient men and women empowering them to do the humanly impossible.
Travel with me to another scene. It’s the morning of June 30, 1948. Several are gathered together working. Others are praying. It’s an unlikely group – most knowing little to nothing about their new profession. Today will change the future of the lives of every single individual gathered there. But beyond that, if they are successful, today will change the landscape of their county, their region, and impact the lives of countless thousands for many, many years. They serve the same God as all those many years ago, and they are trusting Him to once again use fully dedicated men and women to do the humanly impossible. And as the switch is flipped and the power comes up, the Gospel messages begins to flow through the hills of Eastern Kentucky. Mountain Gospel Radio, as it would later become known, was born.
…impact the lives of countless thousands for many, many years.
Friend, a lot has happened over 70 years, and God’s Hand has been clearly evident every step of the way. God worked miracles in the founding of WMTC on 730 AM, in the addition of and later transition to 99.9 FM and twenty-four hour broadcasting, and most recently in adding WBFC 1470 AM to the Mountain Gospel family, and streaming online around the world. We’re broadcasting further and reaching more people than we ever have in our 70 years of ministry. More important are the stories we hear continually of how God is helping, strengthening, changing, and transforming lives through this ministry. We say with the Psalmist, “For You make me glad by Your deeds, Lord; I sing for joy at what Your hands have done” (Psalm 92:4).
…God is helping, strengthening, changing, and transforming lives through this ministry.
Travel with me again to one more scene. We’re standing at the foot of a mountain. Look up and see a brand new tower reaching into the sky. Atop the tower, the Gospel message begins to flow on 98.7 FM for the first time, with a consistent reach 24 hours a day in Powell county and the surrounding area, reaching a new and expanded audience, and increasing the impact of Mountain Gospel once again. This scene, friend, has not yet happened. But we’re trusting the God who has worked in our past to be the God of our future and bring this dream into reality. An FM signal in the Powell county and surrounding area has been a need we have been praying about and working on for many years. Last year, the door finally opened for us to apply for the required licensing. And in January, we received approval to build out a broadcast on 98.7 FM! This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Approval from the FCC is the first major step. So, what’s next?
…increasing the impact of Mountain Gospel once again.
Our approval allows a maximum of 3 years to complete the project and begin the new broadcast. That means it must be operational by the end of the year 2020. The cost for this project is extensive, and is the largest fundraiser we’ve ever undertaken. To meet this goal, we are launching a 3 year capital campaign, “Project 2020: Vision for the Future.” We estimate a total need of $220,000 to complete this project including property, tower, equipment, and other expenses like an access road and utilities. An FM broadcast in Stanton that reaches beyond the coverage of 99.9 FM is vital for the future of Mountain Gospel. The addition of an FM broadcast will give us a consistent and stable coverage area 24 hours a day. Adding 98.7 FM in Powell county will greatly increase our impact and position us to support this region with the much needed message of the Gospel many years into the future.
An FM broadcast in Stanton…is vital for the future of Mountain Gospel.
God has used people like you for 70 years to keep this ministry going. I’m asking you once again to consider your best gift toward advancing the mission of Mountain Gospel. Our goal is to raise $25,000 this Sharathon toward Project 2020. Here’s the most exciting part. Special friends of the station have promised to match, dollar for dollar, everything you give up to $25,000! There has never been a more meaningful time to support this work. Will you help us with your best gift, and have an even greater impact as your gift is doubled?
God has used people like you for 70 years to keep this ministry going.
Please join us in the festivities of Sharathon all week from Tuesday, May 1 through Friday, May 4 with special guests throughout the day, live singers from 7-9 each evening and a 70th Anniversary fish fry and concert on the Vancleve studio grounds Friday from 4-8pm. Featured groups are the Common Bond Quartet and Squire Parsons. We’d love to see you! You can also listen on 99.9 FM in Breathitt and surrounding counties, 1470 AM in Powell and surrounding counties, online at www.mountaingospel.org, or from any cell phone via our apps or by calling 712-432-3223.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]