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WMTC • Vancleve • 99.9 FM | WBFC • Stanton • 1470 AM
“Above the Storm” Fall Sharathon
We all face storms. Battles are real. But I’m glad we know the One who is above all and in control. Remember the night the disciples were crossing the sea and struggling against wind and waves? All of a sudden, Jesus came walking on the water. When He got into the boat, the wind stopped (Matthew 14). Another occasion when their boat was tossed about and ready to sink, Jesus spoke to the storm, and it ceased (Mark 4). Jesus delivers from the storm!
…we know the One who is above all and in control.
A missionary shared a true story of a terrible storm they faced while stationed in a mountain village. They received word that some troublemakers were upset and on their way to burn the entire village. It was in the middle of the dry season and everything was perfect kindling. The local law enforcement had fled the village for their lives and there was no one to help them. They were praying and preparing to escape during the night. That night they were awakened by a cold dampness and loud noises. A massive storm had blown in with heavy winds and rain soaking everything in the village and even leaving inches of standing water. The next day it was reported the troublemakers had left – they couldn’t climb the mountain because of the rains, and even if they did the entire village was drenched and unable to burn. Jesus delivers with the storm!
They were praying and preparing to escape…Jesus delivers with the storm!
This has been a great year of new excitement and challenges for Mountain Gospel. In the spring, we launched our major capital campaign, Project 2020, to build an FM translator for WBFC in Stanton to expand FM coverage for Mountain Gospel. We have also added several new programs to our schedule, including Word Search and Classics, as well as replaced KNN news with our very own Mountain Gospel News. This news broadcast still informs our listeners of what is going on in Kentucky as well as locally from a Christian perspective. In addition to this excitement and growth, this has also been a year of difficulty, working through major transmitter problems, staff changes, and various battles with health and injury. We’ve also heard from many of you, with challenges, prayer requests and difficult situations. For many of our listeners, this has been a year of storms: financial struggles, family problems, sickness and failing health. Words like cancer, addiction, divorce, and death have taken their toll. Our mission is to be here for you, and help lift you Above the Storm no matter what you are facing or going through.
Our mission is to be here for you and help lift you Above the Storm…
We all face storms, and often we don’t understand them. But God is with us and will either deliver us from the storm, or deliver us through it. Only He can see what is going on Above the Storm, as our Sharathon theme reminds us. Thousands of people rely on us every week for daily strength and encouragement as they face the trials and storms of life. We don’t want to let them down. We don’t want to let you down. Expanding ministry through a new translator and increased program offerings such as our own news are very exciting, but also bring with them additional expense. For example, producing our own news has increased our operating costs by ten percent. Whether your gift is small or large, we need your support now more than ever.
God is with us and will either deliver us from the storm or deliver us through it.
For more than 70 years, God has used people like you to keep this station up and running, and we continually are in need of your support! Please help us with your best gift to meet $25,000 this Sharathon for operating costs and continued work on the new translator. Your contribution means more than you will ever know, to us and the many lives you reach through your giving. We have heard numerous stories of how God has used Mountain Gospel Radio to change their lives and speak to them, and we can’t wait to see how God will further use the ministry of Mountain Gospel not only here in Eastern Kentucky, but around the world!
God has used Mountain Gospel Radio to change people’s lives!
Please join us in the festivities of Sharathon all week from Tuesday, Oct 2 through Friday, Oct 5 with special guests throughout the day, live singers from 7-9 each evening and a fall cookout and concert on the Vancleve studio grounds Friday from 4-8pm. Featured groups are the Gilbert Family, the Hilltop Pickers, Billy Joe Mullins, and Eastern Gate. We’d love to see you! You can also listen on 99.9 FM in Breathitt and surrounding counties, 1470 AM in Powell and surrounding counties, online at www.mountaingospel.org, or from any cell phone via our apps or by calling 712-432-3223.
Special singers:
Tuesday 7-8 pm – Overcomers
Tuesday 8-9 pm – Redemption Trio
Wednesday 7-8 pm – Jack Strong
Wednesday 8-9 pm – Bound for Glory
Thursday 7-8 pm – Edith Lykins
Thursday 8-9 pm – John Riley
Friday 4-5 pm – Billy Joe Mullins
Friday 5-6 pm – Hilltop Pickers
Friday 6-7 pm – Gilbert Family
Friday 7-8 pm – Eastern Gate[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]