“Keep Pressing On” Fall Sharathon

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WMTC • Vancleve • 99.9 FM | WBFC • Stanton • 1470 AM


“Keep Pressing On” Fall Sharathon

Where should I start? Where does everything start? With a promise. We live lives of promise: promises we make to others and promises others make to us. We serve a God of promise. His Word, the Bible, is full of promises. And though sometimes we fall short on the promises we make, God always fulfills His promises!


We live lives of promise…


Think of the promise that Jesus gave His disciples: that after He returned to the Father, the Holy Spirit would come. Can you imagine what they were thinking as they watched Him ascend to Heaven? What would they do now? Who would guide them? I’m sure they were holding on to that promise! We skim right over the wait in a few seconds. It was not much more than a week, but I’m sure it felt like an eternity as the days drug on in hope, expectation, and I’m sure even fear, over what the Promise would be, and if and when it would come. But their fears were dashed and their hopes fulfilled as God poured out His Spirit at Pentecost!


Their fears were dashed and their hopes fulfilled!

We also have the promise we build our lives upon: that Jesus is coming back just like He said. As a church, we’ve waited thousands of years. Personally, we’ve waited our entire lives. And we continue to wait, expectantly, knowing that it will happen, because He is a God of promise. And He always keeps His promises.

He always keeps His promises.

The point is not the length of time it takes to see the promise fulfilled. The point is that it’s the same God who makes the promises and He always fulfills them. Our job is to trust Him, to stay faithful, and to Keep Pressing On. That’s the theme of our Fall Sharathon. We seek to stay faithful in the work He has called us to, and to encourage you in the same path each and every day. “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 (NIV)

Our job is to trust Him, stay faithful, and Keep Pressing On!

God has also given Mountain Gospel Radio a promise. It is the promise of property, a tower, and a new transmitter proclaiming the Gospel through FM radio in Powell County and the surrounding area, reaching more people than we ever have before. He has already granted us the license, thirty-five percent of the funding, and Scripture verse after verse to confirm that He will complete the work that He has begun.

We know that with every promise God makes, it is something bigger than us. The promise generally takes some time to fulfill. And it often requires a miracle to complete. That is definitely true for this promise. We knew going into the project that it was much bigger than we were, but God was leading the way. It has taken time, and through that time we have seen God do some amazing things and orchestrate situations, and it isn’t over yet. He is still working! God has promised, and we are trusting Him for a miracle to fulfill that promise.

With every promise God makes, it is something bigger than us.

Sometimes God works miracles through the extraordinary. These are the miracles we love! Amazing experiences like the parting of the Red Sea, manna from Heaven, or walls tumbling down after marching around them. But oftentimes God is working miracles through the ordinary, and we aren’t as quick to notice them. The sun rising every day, the next breath of air we take, the stranger that shows up to help in a time of need – all of these are miracles. My prayer is that we don’t take these every day miracles for granted.

We shouldn’t take these everyday miracles for granted.

We know that it will take a miracle for God to fulfill His promise to finish this project. In fact, we’ve already seen several miracles to get us this far. We don’t know if God will use extraordinary miracles, or perhaps things we might consider more as every day miracles. Most likely, He will use a combination of both. Again, it isn’t our job to figure out how He will do it; it is simply our job to trust Him to do it.

It is simply our job to trust Him. 

Thank you for being a part of the Mountain Gospel promise. Thank you for your prayers, your involvement, and your anticipation as you come alongside us on this faith journey. I truly believe that the plan God is working out isn’t just for the folks at the radio station. It is for all of our listeners, supporters, and communities we serve.

Will you be a part of God’s miracle to fund the remaining $145,000 to finish this project by the end of next year? It may be in a way that you might consider ordinary. Or perhaps God is calling you in an extraordinary way. He will use the combination of both to work the miracle to finish this project.

We need to raise $25,000 this Sharathon to cover our operational costs and keep Mountain Gospel moving forward. I’m not asking you to do what someone else can do. I’m asking you to do what you can do. God makes up the difference! Will you help us with your best gift?

Thank you for being a part of the Mountain Gospel Promise!!


Please join us in the festivities of Sharathon all week from Tuesday, October 2 through Friday, October 4 with special guests throughout the day, live singers from 7-9 each evening and an Ed Carpenter fish fry and concert featuring The Rochesters, the Gilberts, and the Common Bond Quartet on the Vancleve studio grounds Friday from 4-8pm. We’d love to see you! You can also listen on 99.9 FM in Breathitt and surrounding counties, 1470 AM in Powell and surrounding counties, online at www.mountaingospel.org, or from any cell phone via our apps or by calling 712-432-3223.

Local singing groups will be live in the studio nightly. These include:


Tuesday, October 1 Wednesday, October 2 Thursday, October 3 Friday, October 4

4-5 PM

Ole Stump Kickers

5-6 PM

Common Bond Quartet

6-7 PM

The Gilberts

7-8 PM

Ruthie Haddix and Hope Rudd Wide Creek Community Church Overcomers (Estill Barnett) Common Bond Quartet

8-9 PM

Anthem Trio (Kentucky Mountain Bible College) Bound For Glory (Emmit Campbell) Crystal Abner
