KY Supreme Court Results

KY Supreme Court Results Robert Conley has won the 7th district seat on the Kentucky Supreme Court.Conley’s opponent, State Rep. Chris Harris, congratulated his opponent and wished him well in his new position.The 7th Supreme Court district includes 22…

Seeking Vaccine Volunteers

Seeking Vaccine Volunteers Cincinnati Children’s is seeking to enroll about 500 people in a Phase 3 clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca.Officials with the hospital said they are reaching out to first responders, people 65…

Early Voting Turnout

Early Voting Turnout More than 1.5 million people in the bluegrass took advantage either absentee or early in-person voting. That’s 42.2 percent of all registered voters in Kentucky. For comparison, 1,955,195 people voted in the 2016 Presidential election in…

Drive-Thru Parade

Drive-Thru Parade The city of Ashland’s annual Christmas parade will look a bit different this year due to the pandemic.It will be a drive-thru parade, city officials say.This means floats will remain stationary as cars drive through to view…

Helping Speedway Children’s Charities

Helping Speedway Children’s Charities Bristol Motor Speedway’s 24th annual Speedway and Lights will open on November 13th, but this year’s event will be a bit different due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The annual event features hundreds of light displays throughout…

Elkhorn’s Revised Restaurant Tax

Elkhorn’s Revised Restaurant Tax The Elkhorn City Council met recently in a specially called meeting for the second reading of a restaurant tax and the second reading of a board of assistance ordinance.The restaurant tax ordinance would place a…

Improving Pike Medical Center

Improving Pike Medical Center During the 2020 Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) virtual summit Oct. 29, Gov. Andy Beshear and U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) announced two new projects in Pike and Boyd counties have been selected for…

Coat Collection Drive

Coat Collection Drive It’s time for the seventh annual ‘A Coat to Keep the Cold Away’ coat drive.The drive started small, collecting used coats. This year, it’s received a $5,000 grant from Walmart.Brand new coats are going to homes…

McConnell And McGrath

McConnell And McGrath With the pandemic-altered campaign in its closing days, Republicans are looking to reassert their dominance in Kentucky while Democrats are angling to tap into suburban support to make inroads in a state where they have struggled…