Hundreds Of Jobs To McCreary County

Hundreds Of Jobs To McCreary County 350 new jobs are on their way to McCreary County during the next 10 years.Tuesday, Congressman Hal Rogers said the U.S. Army has selected Fibrotex USA, in partnership with Outdoor Ventures Corporation (OVC)…

Gas Prices Up In KY

Gas Prices Up In KY Normally gas prices drop this time of year, but you may have noticed this year it’s not the case.According to AAA, Kentucky had the second highest increase in gas price in the nation compared…

KY Governor Honors Police Officers

KY Governor Honors Police Officers Kentucky’s governor is honoring two police officers who helped save a man’s life at the state Capitol.Gov. Matt Bevin presented Facilities Security Officers Roger Swiger and Casey Mahoney with the honorary commission of Kentucky…

Last Day To Register To Vote In KY

Last Day To Register To Vote In KY Kentuckians have one more day to register to vote in November’s General Election. Today, Tuesday, October, 9th marks the final day anyone not registered to vote can do so.”The majority of…

Cordia School Closes

Cordia School Closes Earlier this year, the Knott County Board of Education voted to close Cordia School. After months of hashing out the problem in the courtroom, Cordia opened for the 2018-2019 school year. However, problems for the school…