Improving Pike Medical Center

Improving Pike Medical Center During the 2020 Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) virtual summit Oct. 29, Gov. Andy Beshear and U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) announced two new projects in Pike and Boyd counties have been selected for…

Coat Collection Drive

Coat Collection Drive It’s time for the seventh annual ‘A Coat to Keep the Cold Away’ coat drive.The drive started small, collecting used coats. This year, it’s received a $5,000 grant from Walmart.Brand new coats are going to homes…

Unemployment Scam

Unemployment Scam Kentucky governor Andy Beshear is warning those in the commonwealth of a possible scam preying on those who may have filed for unemployment.In a tweet Saturday afternoon, Beshear said Kentuckians need to be on the lookout for…

McConnell And McGrath

McConnell And McGrath With the pandemic-altered campaign in its closing days, Republicans are looking to reassert their dominance in Kentucky while Democrats are angling to tap into suburban support to make inroads in a state where they have struggled…

Veterans And The Election

Veterans And The Election The veteran community historically has a high turnout for elections across the country and in Kentucky, but there is always that small percent of veterans whose ballots go unmarked which translates to a large number…

Maintaining State Contracts

Maintaining State Contracts Kentucky’s chief financial officer wields broad authority that can include issuing subpoenas to people outside government when investigating possible mismanagement in the awarding of state contracts, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled Thursday. Source: MG…

Steel Jobs Coming To KY

Steel Jobs Coming To KY A steel processor is expected to create 110 full-time jobs in coming years at a tube manufacturing plant it plans to open in south-central Kentucky, state officials said.The $70 million project in Bowling Green…

Kentucky National Guard Helping With Elections

Kentucky National Guard Helping With Elections The Kentucky National Guard is preparing to assist local officials at polling locations in 38 counties on Election Day.About 280 guardsmen will provide logistical and administrative support next Tuesday, Guard officials said. They…

COVID-19 Surge In KY

COVID-19 Surge In KY Facing its worst coronavirus outbreak since the pandemic began, Kentucky surged past 100,000 total COVID-19 cases Wednesday as Gov. Andy Beshear bluntly warned that people are putting themselves at risk if they fail to wear…

Watch For Deer

Watch For Deer Drivers should watch for bucks and does along Kentucky roadways this fall, officials said.Shorter periods of daylight and cooler temperatures trigger deer breeding season, which leads to more deer-related crashes, the Department of Fish and Wildlife…