KY House Passes State Budget

KY House Passes State Budget The Kentucky House passed its version of a new two-year, $23 billion state budget.The GOP-crafted spending plan drew bipartisan support in clearing the House 86-10 Friday. It is still heavy on education, however, it…

KY House Passes Two-Year State Budget

KY House Passes Two-Year State Budget The Kentucky House overwhelmingly passed its version of a new two-year state budget Friday, but some lawmakers said the unwillingness to tap into more revenue sources would shortchange many of the state’s pressing…

Hazard Opens Complaint Page

Hazard Opens Complaint Page The city of Hazard is asking residents to report nuicance properties. maintained. Sove of the conditions that decliare the property a nuicanse accord to city code 94.03 include dangerous trees or stacks that can fall…

Paul Propused Cuts Instead of More Money

Paul Propused Cuts Instead of More Money By an overwhelming vote of 96-1, the Senate has approved an eight-point-three-billion-dollar coronavirus emergency spending bill. The lone no vote was cast Thursday by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. He opposed the…

Free Fitsness Center For Schools

Free Fitsness Center For Schools Kentucky has been selected for thethe National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils 2020 DON’T QUIT! Campaign. Kentucky educattors are encouraged to visit and download the nomination form to nominate their school for a…

Owensboro Helping Tonrado Victims

Owensboro Helping Tonrado Victims Owensboro residents are reaching out to help Nashville tornado victims. Nonprofit Shepherds Hands is working with the community to collect needed items for the homeless the Nashville area. Owensboro native Michael Grimes co-owns a live…

KY 30 Opens After Rock Slide

KY 30 Opens After Rock Slide East bound KY 30 was re-opened Wednesday morning following a rock slide. Both lanes Eastbound had been closed between mile markers 28 and 29 at Risner Point. The slide knocked power lines into…