Blackjewel Bankruptcy

Blackjewel Bankruptcy

As many as 200 Harlan County coal miners and another 1,500 in Kentucky and other mines in the U.S. are out thousands of dollars in pay after their employer abruptly went bankrupt.Blackjewel LLC, the sixth-largest coal producer in the U.S., filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last week, with the Associated Press reporting the company owing at least $500 million in liabilities. The news came suddenly for miners numbering nearly 1,100 across Appalachia in Eastern Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia, and another 600 in northeast Wyoming. They were sent home abruptly and had their paychecks bounce without warning.Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin said the Labor Cabinet will investigate the coal mining company, saying the cabinet will look into complaints the company failed to pay employees for time worked.

Source: MG News

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