Category News Archive

Kentucky Schools Labeled Bright Spots

Kentucky Schools Labeled Bright Spots Forty-seven Kentucky schools have been labeled “bright spots” in a new report released by The Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) in the Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of…

Changes At Fayette Mall

Changes At Fayette Mall COVID-19 has put a twist on just about everything this year, which includes holiday shopping at the mall.Fayette Mall has made some changes to keep its customers safe from the virus, including moving part of…

KY Supreme Court Issues Mandates

KY Supreme Court Issues Mandates The Kentucky Supreme Court has issued new mandates to limit in-person proceedings and restrict access to judicial facilities as the coronavirus continues to spread in Kentucky.Nearly all of Kentucky’s 120 counties are in the…

Elkhorn City Getting Creative

Elkhorn City Getting Creative With the coal industry in a slump, that results in less money coming to coal producing counties in the form of coal severance money.This is resulting in less revenue that counties had long come accustomed…

KY AG Files Temporary Restraining Order

KY AG Files Temporary Restraining Order As the state faces its second highest day of COVID-19 cases, Kentuckians faced the first full weekend of Governor Andy Beshear’s latest order.“Really you’ve got two choices. Do nothing and be upset at…

Santa Train Rolls Through

Santa Train Rolls Through The 78th annual Santa Train run took Place Saturday morning.“That is why CSX Appalachian Power Soles for Souls, Kingsport Chamber of Commerce, and us here at Food City want to make sure that we still…

Kentucky Man Kills Trophy Deer

Kentucky Man Kills Trophy Deer A Kentucky man has been accused of illegally killing a trophy deer on a private property in the state and then lying about where it happened.Conservation officers began investigating the killing earlier this month…

Muhammad Ali’s Childhood Home

Muhammad Ali’s Childhood Home A fundraising campaign has been launched in an effort to raise enough money to renovate and reopen a museum at Muhammad Ali’s childhood home in Louisville, Kentucky.The nonprofit Muhammad Ali Childhood Home Museum is trying…

Nearby Active Wildfires

Nearby Active Wildfires Nearby, the Virginia Department of Forestry reports there are two active wildfires as of Thursday morning in Buchanan County.The department’s fire response map reports one fire is at Weller Yard and burning at 300 acres. It…

New Restrictions Activate Today

New Restrictions Activate Today Earlier this week, Gov. Andy Beshear announced new restrictions in the fight against COVID-19. They go into effect Friday afternoon at 5 p.m.The new steps are in effect for at least three to six weeks.…