Category News Archive

House Fire In Harlan County

House Fire In Harlan County Firefighters were on the scene of a house fire Thursday night in Harlan County.Firefighters believe cold weather could have led to the fire.The Cumberland Fire Department responded to a home on Central Street around…

Safe Patrol On The Road For You

Safe Patrol On The Road For You A statewide agency called Safe Patrol is making sure all drivers are able to stay safe on the roadways, especially during freezing and severe weather in Laurel County. The agency began back…

Motocross Weekend

Motocross Weekend The arena floor inside the East Kentucky Expo Center is now a layer of dirt. This weekend the center will host a Tri-state Motocross event. Recently trucks were brought in and dropped off the dirt to fill…

Car Thieves Active In Cold Weather

Car Thieves Active In Cold Weather With the temperature dropping, it’s no surprise that people are warming up their cars before getting inside. But some cars have been stolen while that’s happening. It has been going on in Martin…

Churches In Eastern KY Provide Warmth

Churches In Eastern KY Provide Warmth Churchs across Eastern Kentucky are opening up warming centers due to the cold temperatures expected.The First Christian Church in Paintsville will open a warming center Wednesday night from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.The…

Frigid Forecast Across KY

Frigid Forecast Across KY Forecasters are issuing warnings about the incredibly cold weather in the region saying if you have to be out today, dress in layers. Cover any exposed skin the best you can. Try not to stay…

Filming Netflix Movie In Eastern KY

Filming Netflix Movie In Eastern KY A best selling book set in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky will soon be on a small screen near you.Netflix had the winning bid on turning J.D. Vance’s story “Hillbilly Elegy” into a…