Category News Archive

Hazard Police Award

Hazard Police Award The Hazard City Police Department was recognized for its service to the community on Monday.City and Perry County officials along with the Chamber of Commerce presented them with the 2020 Business & Community Appreciation Award despite…

Morgan County Water Funding

Morgan County Water Funding Congressman Hal Rogers visited Morgan County Tuesday, announcing new funding for the county’s water district.The Morgan County Water District received A $1.5 million loan and an $85,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture- Rural…

Record Voter Turnout

Record Voter Turnout With two weeks left until Election Day, Kentucky county clerks are already reporting high turnout for voting.Early voting started last week. It’s the first time early voting without a specific reason has been an option in…

Greenhouse Construction In KY

Greenhouse Construction In KY An eastern Kentucky agritech company that is cutting the ribbon this week on a massive greenhouse in Morehead is also announcing construction of another large-scale greenhouse in the region. AppHarvest said in a release Tuesday…

KY Teachers Survey

KY Teachers Survey Kentucky education leaders are asking teachers across the state to fill out a survey to get their takeaways on teaching during a worldwide pandemic.Local Kentucky Education Association representative, Missy Salyers says the surveys are aimed to…

Charitable Giving Guide

Charitable Giving Guide Gov. Andy Beshear released a guide to help Kentuckians avoid charity scams as the holiday season approaches.Gov. Beshear said the “Charitable Giving Guide” is supposed to help those identify legitimate charities and avoid scams. Beshear says…

Safe Trick-Or-Treat Event Cancelled

Safe Trick-Or-Treat Event Cancelled Kentucky State Police announced Monday that their Safe Trick or Treat event will be canceled.This event has been a holiday tradition in Frankfort for the past 15 years. Annually it draws in nearly 1,000 people…

Drug Take-Back Day Coming Soon

Drug Take-Back Day Coming Soon National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is this weekend, and events are scheduled to collect unwanted medications.Kentucky has taken more than 163,000 pounds of unwanted prescription medications at drug take-back events and locations during the…

Johnson County Mural

Johnson County Mural The first of many in a series of murals in Johnson County is set to begin phase two of its construction on Monday.The project, located at Paint Creek Park beside City Hall, underwent a rigorous 48-hour…

Foster Kids’ Christmas Party

Foster Kids’ Christmas Party Organizers for the 22nd annual ELF, Inc. Foster Kids Christmas Party are seeking sponsors to help provide gifts and other items to foster children across the region.The party, which will take place on Dec. 11,…