“I Can Rejoice” 2020 Spring Sharathon

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WMTC • Vancleve • 99.9 FM | WBFC • Stanton • 1470 AM


“I Can Rejoice” 2020 Spring Sharathon


I think it would be fair to say that none of us are in the circumstances now that we were expecting to be in just two or three months ago. How things have changed in such a short period of time: Plans canceled, work disrupted, school different, and perhaps, your world turned upside down.

I’m reminded of one of the church’s first missionaries who found himself in a situation much worse than he had planned. Paul, who was investing his life to spread the message of the Gospel found himself in jail – and not because he had done anything wrong, but only because he was telling people about Jesus. What was his response to being thrust into very unpleasant circumstances against his will (much worse than most of us are facing)? What was his message to his fellow believers, and to us, all these years later?    “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4 NIV)

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

Paul could have been angry, discouraged, fearful, upset, or even bitter. Most likely, he encountered all those emotions. But he had found something in Christ that had the ability to overpower any emotion: JOY. Joy isn’t just something we feel. It is something we choose. It can be far too easy to let our circumstances dictate our attitude, instead of allowing our Savior to direct our attitude. Jesus Himself told us that we would face trouble and difficulty while in this life (John 16:33). He also told us not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). Why? Because He has already overcome.

Joy isn’t something we feel; it’s something we choose.

Our faith in Christ gives us two things that the world cannot comprehend. Hope and Joy. Hope, because we know that God is in control and that this life is only a speck of our eternal destiny. Joy, because Christ lives in us and we experience His presence regardless of circumstance or feeling. That’s why Paul said rejoice in the Lord.

I hope and pray that Mountain Gospel Radio is a part of God’s gift in your life to help bring hope and joy to you in every circumstance and every situation. Let me share with you how Mountain Gospel is making a difference in people’s lives during this time of COVID-19.

Our faith in Christ gives us both hope and joy.

Meet Margie (name changed). Margie lives on her own, and isn’t able to go out by herself. Mountain Gospel has always been an important part of her life, and during these days of the Coronavirus, has become even more vital. She doesn’t get visitors, and her once a week opportunity of someone picking her up and taking her to church has disappeared as she is now not able to attend church. Without a good internet connection or proper device, she can’t stream services, so she listens to the programs on the radio. Margie shared with us how grateful she is for this connection to the body of Christ.

Margie generally watches a lot of TV to keep up with news and events and pass the time, but watching the news during this time leaves her anxious and fearful. She leans on Mountain Gospel for hope and encouragement. Our hosts are often the only people she “talks” to in a day – they are her friends, and she looks forward to hearing from them daily. We have truly become her lifeline, providing support and a personal “touch” during a time of restrictions and distancing.

Mountain Gospel has truly become her lifeline.

What I find most amazing about Margie is that she gives. She loves this station so much that she gives, out of her meager income, to keep this station going. Margie is someone who exemplifies the joy that Paul talks about in Philippians. She chooses to rejoice in all circumstances, is grateful for the work of Mountain Gospel, and wants to share that joy with others!

When you support Mountain Gospel financially, you enable us to reach hundreds of people just like Margie, and thousands more, while not in the same specific circumstances, need the encouragement and hope that we share every day. In addition to our regular operations, we continue to work on a new FM broadcast in Powell county, that will expand outreach and help us to strengthen even more “Margie’s.”

YOU enable us to reach hundreds of people just like Margie.

This is indeed a different and difficult time. Regular donations have declined and support has diminished. We need a good response to raise funds for operating expenses and continued development on the new FM broadcast. If you are able to give at this time, I would be extremely grateful for your financial support. If you are in a position where you cannot give at this time, I truly understand. Consider, if God lays it on your heart, to make a pledge now & fulfill it over the next six months as you are able. Whatever you can do, please know that we greatly appreciate you and if there’s anything I can ever do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.


We’re also very excited to bring to you Rejoice 2020, a Southern Gospel LIVE Experience! Featuring special guests and singers each evening from 7-9 and 5-9 on Friday, we invite you to tune in to Mountain Gospel Radio or check out Mountain Gospel’s facebook page to watch a live stream of the event. For more information, check out rejoice2020.com.


One last thing, we recently put together a Scripture booklet of encouraging verses for strength and hope during hard times. I would love to send you one as our way of saying “thanks” for your gift of $25 or more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]