Seeking A Diploma Flying Drones

Seeking A Diploma Flying Drones Paintsville High School is bringing in a program you do not think you would see in a high school classroom. They’ve partnered with the Hazard Community and Technical College to bring in a program…

Congressman Hal Rogers Will Run Again

Congressman Hal Rogers Will Run Again Kentucky’s longest-serving congressman is leaving no doubt that he will be running for reelection. Congressman Hal Rogers tells media outlets “There’s a lot of things I need yet to do and I would…

President Trump Visits Louisville

President Trump Visits Louisville President Donald Trump discussed his commitment to the military during an address to a gathering of veterans In KY. President Donald Trump came to Louisville Kentucky speaking to veterans attending the AMVETS national convention.The President…

Job Fair For Eastern KY Workers

Job Fair For Eastern KY Workers Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program joined nearly 20 employers for a job fair at the Letcher County Recreation Center Tuesday.The job fair, which comes on the heels of recent layoffs across the region,…

Increasing KY’s Minimum Wage Attempted

Increasing KY’s Minimum Wage Attempted Lawmakers pre-filed a bill Tuesday morning, hoping to increase wages for Kentucky’s lowest-paid workers.Senator Reggie Thomas and Representative Kathy Hinkle, both Democrats, sponsored the bill. “I have pushed to have this heard before. I’m…

President Trump Visits Louisville Wednesday

President Trump Visits Louisville Wednesday Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin’s reelection campaign recently placed nearly $4 million worth of advertising on TV and radio leading up to his November showdown with Democrat Andy Beshear. Now, the Republican governor’s campaign is…

New Rules For State Fair Entry

New Rules For State Fair Entry Minors entering the Kentucky State Fair at night now must have a parent or guardian 21 or older with them following a disturbance during the weekend.Kentucky State Police Sgt. Josh Lawson told The…

Gas Companies Must Pay Up

Gas Companies Must Pay Up Two Kentucky natural gas companies and their owner have been fined $107,500 for unauthorized debt and failing to adjust the amount charged to customers.The Public Service Commission announced the fines Monday. B&H Gas Co.,…