Category News Archive

Deputies Deliver Christmas Baskets

Deputies Deliver Christmas Baskets Deputies in Laurel County will be delivering holiday baskets to families in need.A local group called “Children Are Really Special”, or C.A.R.S., donated twenty baskets to the sheriff’s office.The sheriff said his deputies will deliver…

Honored For Saving A Life

Honored For Saving A Life This week a Glasgow High School student was recognized by the Barren Metcalfe County EMS for his heroic actions, after he saved the life of a total stranger by successfully administering CPR.Nearly three weeks…

Record Rainfall In Jackson

Record Rainfall In Jackson 64.19″ of rain has fallen in Jackson making 2018 the wettest year on record. Average rainfall for Jackson is 46.8″ so we are about 17″ above average and we still have 12 more days to…