Category News Archive

Economic Development Symposium Stimulates Growth

Economic Development Symposium Stimulates Growth In an effort to link local manufacturing companies with large defense contractors, organizers brought the Supplier Education and Economic Development (SEED) Symposium to the Corbin Center.State officials say, on Thursday, nearly 200 people from…

Madison County Kids Gets Special Pumpkins

Madison County Kids Gets Special Pumpkins Scott Anderson, Madison County Schools Food Service Director, is bringing the pumpkin patch to Madison County Schools this week as truck-loads of pumpkins are dropped off to area schools.For the second year in…

Governor Bevin In Breathitt County

Governor Bevin In Breathitt County Governor Bevin was in Breathitt County holding a community forum Tuesday morning at Lee’s College. County officials and local businessmen attended the forum. These forums afford citizens an opportunity to share any concerns or…