Category News Archive

Elkhorn City Christmas Tradition

Elkhorn City Christmas Tradition A Christmas tree in Elkhorn City is gaining popularity as people from all over drop in to add their own ornaments.The memorial tree is full of bulbs and special creations that adorn the names of…

Floyd County Food Boxes

Floyd County Food Boxes With the holiday season in full swing and Christmas right around the corner, food boxes were provided for people on Wednesday.Big Creek Missions, in partnership with the city of Wheelwright and Floyd County Fiscal Court,…

Kroger Health Providing Vaccine

Kroger Health Providing Vaccine Kroger Health has announced that it will provide the COVID-19 vaccine at its pharmacies and clinics nationwide, a news release from the company said.Company officials say they will follow the vaccine rollout plan and focus…

Brent Speece Bridge Reopens

Brent Speece Bridge Reopens Traffic is flowing across the Brent Spence Bridge for the first time since Nov. 11.The bridge is safe and repairs came in under budget one day early, according to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. It is…

Salvation Army Of Ashland

Salvation Army Of Ashland The Salvation Army of Ashland handed out toys and bikes to families in Louisa through the Angel Tree program.Generous community members purchased the gifts listed on the Angel Tree along with the help of the…

Pikeville Community Foundation

Pikeville Community Foundation The Pikeville Community Foundation was established in 2019 to give back to those in need. Now in the midst of a pandemic, those involved say it is the perfect time to put the foundation to use.Kathy…

Christmas Trees For Wildlife

Christmas Trees For Wildlife The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources is encouraging people to recycle their real Christmas trees and donate them for use in replenishing underwater habitats.Starting Saturday, December 26, the department will be accepting natural…

Lights In Prestonsburg

Lights In Prestonsburg Archer Park is no stranger to visitors during the Christmas season. The park’s lights display lights up the area Thanksgiving night and those lights bring in visitors until New Year’s Eve.“We’ve been very fortunate. One night,…

Getting A Vaccine

Getting A Vaccine After Pfizer and Moderna, more companies are working to secure approval for their COVID vaccine candidates. While waiting for a shot to become available might seem appealing, doctors say “vaccine shopping” is not an easy task…

Breathitt County Audit Results

Breathitt County Audit Results The AOC’s (Administrative Office of the Courts) Department of Auditing Services conducted a recent three-week audit of the Breathitt County Circuit Clerk’s office. The Kentucky-wide regulatory service gave James Elliott Turner’s office excellent marks.The audit…