Category News Archive

Cyber-Monday Deals

Cyber-Monday Deals Black Friday has its perks, but some shoppers hope to avoid the hustle and bustle. Like big name shops, local stores tailor to the needs of online shoppers. “We know that with the shopping season it’s been…

Preparing For Black Friday

Preparing For Black Friday Many store employees spend weeks preparing for Black Friday.Those at Rural King in Coal Run, are no different.Employees say they have spent at least two weeks unloading new items and putting up sale signs.Jay Francis…

Coats For Foster Children In KY

Coats For Foster Children In KY Officials from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services are asking shoppers to buy an extra coat or hoodie for kids in foster care.A new child’s coat or hoodie can be dropped…

Making and Delivering Meals For Thanksgiving

Making and Delivering Meals For Thanksgiving At Perry County Central High School on Thanksgiving morning, dozens of volunteers gathered and delivered food to those in need.”We prepare 1,000 meals and they go out,” said Perry County Schools Superintendent Jonathan…

Phone Scam In Eastern KY

Phone Scam In Eastern KY Officials from the Pike County Sheriff’s Office are warning people in the community about a phone scam.Deputies say people are getting called from the phone number (606) 200-3748.When people answer the phone, officials say…